Lablytica solely owns all equipment and instrumentation located in our facilities. This ensures that instrument access is never limited by use from other parties.
For our LC-MS/MS systems, Waters is our supplier of instrumentation and instrument service. For each instrument, we maintain a dedicated service contract, to ensure maximum up-time. As a laboratory with a focus on high through-put, we currently have 8 LC-MS/MS systems in use. We use both Waters UNIFI Reg. Bio (Regulatory Bioanalysis) and Waters MassLynx to ensure data integrity and full CFR21 part 11 coverage of our analytical data.
For our enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system, we utilize both a Tecan Freedom EVOlyzer fully automated system, as well as a manual sample analysis line. Service contracts with the instrument manufacturers ensure quick, compliant service when required. At Lablytica, we can either source kits through our preferred providers, or integrate customers’ preferred kits into our analysis.